You would never build your own house without a detailed set of plans...


Why then would you try to build
your business without a great plan?

Strategic Planning  - Business Improvement Workshop

Option 1 

Option 2 

Run An Internal Plan 4 Success Workshop With Your Team
Run A Plan 4 Success Workshop For Your Clients or Network

As a business owner your ability to set goals, make plans, and take action by executing, delegating, and measuring effectiveness will play a major role in determining the course of your business and your life...

How much could your business grow & flourish?

How much more profit could you be making?

How much more free time could you have?

How much better could your team perform?

Unleash Your Potential

By hosting a ‘Plan 4 Success’ workshop ran by us for your clients, members or team you'll benefit from renewed energy..., vision and focus. You'll have a ready to implement strategic plan for the next 90 days, unique to yours or your clients business, with proven strategies and the knowledge to apply them to get the business moving in the right direction. 

Your workshop can be made bespoke and can encompass topics such as, leadership, time management, sales, marketing, customer service, financial management, systemisation, team building, engagement and contribution, and wealth creation.

What Some Previous Attendees Said..

“I really feel much more positive and passionate about my business, I am fully focussed now on moving forward and I will make great use of my workbook. Many of my questions have been answered. May I take this opportunity to thanks for such an invigorating day and I hope I have the chance to attend again.”

Janice Smith, Smiths Nurseries

“This whole experience gave me the understanding of how to improve every aspect off my business, I came away with my brain buzzing with all the new ideas to be implemented, This day gave me the determination to make my business work. I can’t write enough good things, as it’s changed every single way I look at myself, the business and its direction.”

LloydsTSB Business Banking Customer

“This event completely blew out of the water all of my expectations. It was amazing. The new ideas and opportunities to learn from others was scattered all the way through the day, and I got loads of great suggestions about how to improve my knowledge. Excellent!.”

John Fairchild. Accountant

7 Powerful Reasons Why...

  1. Develop a 90 day plan specifically designed to immediately impact on your own business
  2. Learn achievable strategies that will stretch and grow yourself and your business and walk away with your 'Cascading Strategic Deployment System'©
  3. Develop a sense of clarity that will help you make decisions easier
  4. Understand how you can leverage your efforts to get more done in less time and achieve massive results
  5. Use powerful confidence and leadership skills to take control, get organised, and get your team motivated
  6. Meet, share, and network with other like-minded business owners, who all have the same challenges... Or run one with your team to align and leverage them.
  7. Discover how we train athletes to set goals, overcome procrastination and maximise personal potential.
  8. For every minute that you spend planning your goals, your activities, and your time in advance, you will save ten minutes of work in the execution of those plans.
“Having a Plan is not the most important element of Planning…
It is the Process of ‘Planning’ itself that is most important, in fact it is thee essential element for growth and development because it brings the future into the present by forcing us to ask questions so that we can do something about it in the present.”
Derek Mair

Leverage Your Team For Success

When you break it down meaningless failure happens for one of two reasons:
1. Doing things without thinking about and planning them with your team
2. Thinking about things without planning and doing them with your team


Running an In-house Plan 4 Success Workshop is the perfect platform to re- align your team with the organisations goals and culture, and with each other. It is run slightly differently with optional extras that provide focus and feedback. The outcome is to create a platform for each team member to improve contribution. Most significantly leaders intuitively understand that barriers to long-term success include a lack of consistent interaction and collaboration among team members to execute strategically. When you involve your people in the thinking / planning process you will get their buy-in to the execution of strategy and improve Discretionary Effort.

Prepare To Be a 3-Percenter...

Every business SHOULD have a 90-day plan... but MOST owners / managers never take the time to create or update a plan, or perhaps they just need some help through a structured process to do so.

What that 3% know is that having a Plan is not the most important thing; what's most important is the process of planning itself because it forces us to ask questions that create sparks...

See Other Team Building & Leadership Workshops

Free No Obligation Consultation

Plan 4 Success Workshop can be made bespoke to your needs. It is a full day event with breakfast rolls and a 2 course lunch.


Contact us and we will arrange a complimentary consultation with to discuses your needs...

We value your confidnce and will never share your information with any other party